Carrier Specialists (CS) are the liaisons between the insurance company and Lowry & Associates, Inc. (LAI), providing one point of contact for all questions and concerns. Their job is to build a working relationship through excellent customer service and to produce quality audits in a timely manner that benefits carriers. The Carrier Specialists work in teams with Carrier Specialist Assistants (CSAs) to maintain quick response times and ensure someone is always available for assistance.
Specific roles and responsibilities:
- Handle all questions and concerns regarding audit inventories and reports
- Provide status updates for outstanding audits as requested
- Review and revise any audit disputes, as necessary
- Work with carriers to create and maintain carrier profiles that inform auditors about specific carrier needs
- Manage inventories so audits are completed and returned in a timely manner
Area Inventory Specialist
Area Inventory Specialists (AIS) are designated support contacts between physical auditors, Lowry & Associates, Inc. (LAI), and the insurance carriers. This team oversees the requesting, assigning, and tracking of all physical and virtual audits for each carrier. They facilitate open communication and accountability with the auditors, while ensuring proper time service and quality product for carriers.
Specific roles and responsibilities:
- Liaise between auditors and carriers
- Work with the carrier to respond to auditor questions
- Help auditors understand each carrier’s requirements
- Communicate with carriers regarding specific audit concerns and keep them informed of changes or developments
- Maintain proper balance of auditor inventories
- Refer auditors to education and mentoring sessions when needed to ensure carriers receive thorough and accurate reports
Quality Assurance
Reviewers provide a thorough examination of audit reports and advise auditors on any corrections that need to be made to meet state and manual rules, carrier requirements, and LAI guidelines. Each carrier is assigned a designated Reviewer to ensure that the same set of eyes is reviewing their audits, which helps maintain consistent handling of applicable rules and requirements and reassures carriers that another person is inspecting their audits. All reviewers are located in the United States, have years of premium audit experience, and attend various continuing education training to ensure the highest quality audits for our carriers and support for our auditors.
Specific roles and responsibilities:
- Educate and understand the state and manual rules, carrier requirements, and LAI guidelines
o NCCI, ISO, State Bureaus, PAAS
- Advise, mentor, and instruct auditors about changes or corrections needed
- Provide additional evaluation and assessment to ensure quality and accuracy of audit reports
- Consult with technical research staff and FSM team for current updates
Field Support Mentors & OnBoarding
Field Support Mentors (FSM) seamlessly integrate new auditors into the industry by providing extensive mentoring in conjunction with our e-learning platform. FSM’s are the intersection of learning, development, and support for all auditors. The FSM team facilitates personal and professional growth by sharing the knowledge and insight gained through decades of auditing experience. They focus on auditor development and training required to maintain the quality and timeliness expected of LAI auditors.
Specific roles and responsibilities:
- Direct auditors to a comprehensive resource library
- Create, maintain, and update a library of common audit challenges in video and document format
- Provide group and one-on-one mentoring sessions for all auditing experience levels
- Perform reverse shadowing sessions to understand and improve auditors’ quality and time service
- Prepare and conduct continuing educational sessions to help auditors develop specific audit skills
- Provide a volunteer ride-along program to observe auditor techniques and provide constructive feedback at physical appointments
- Review, analyze, and respond to a central email queue and telephone helpline
- Provide an experienced mentoring link between auditors, Quality Review, CS/AIS teams, and management

Customer Service Representatives
Customer Service Representatives (CSR) are typically the first contacts available for insureds and agents. As an experienced team of callers, they provide professional, friendly, knowledgeable, and real-time customer service as they assist in the audit process. On average, they handle hundreds of calls a week from across the country, helping insureds and agents with various audit questions on all types of audits.
Specific roles and responsibilities:
- Answer inbound calls from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm MT, Monday – Friday
- Return voicemails in a timely manner
- Explain the purpose of the audit request
- Answer any questions pertaining to the premium audit process
- Assist in taking audit information over the phone
- Respond to email questions
- Attach documentation received to specific audit ID’s